This vignette is piece of a multi-part series that will highlight the work being done surrounding Washington State Executive Order 20-01. The International Living Future Institute (ILFI) has been working closely with Washington State for nearly two years to support agencies in their development of Zero Energy projects. ILFI has developed a toolkit of resources for project teams in the state to help them understand definitions around Zero Energy, build powerful teams, and set appropriate targets in order to make designing and building to Zero Energy a feasible goal. Each vignette will shine a light on a project, meeting, or event wherein Zero Energy work was the forefront of the conversation as teams work diligently to implement the Executive Order and achieve their Zero Energy goals.

Project Name: SEEP Governing Council
Event: Council Meeting: Zero Energy Toolkit Presentation
Date: October 22, 2019
Agency Contacts: Hanna Waterstrat (SEEP), Donna Albert (DES)
Keywords: toolkit, zero energy, energy targets, local government
Highlights: ILFI was invited to present at the October Governing Council to share with Governor Jay Inslee Zero Energy (ZE) resources we have been developing for state agencies to follow his Executive Order 20-01. ILFI has developed an FAQ, project document templates for Owner Project Requirements and Request for Proposals, Embodied Carbon guidance documents, and a website for project teams in order to help them achieve ZE.
Next Steps: A handful of projects are in pre-design, so upcoming steps involve creating resources for upcoming design stages. Additionally, ILFI will continue to be integrated in the design process for projects that are in progress.