On May 2, 2018, at the 2018 Living Future unConference, our CEO was proud to announce that funds from seven contributing projects* have now funded the protection of 12.57 hectares (or 31 acres) of critical habitat in Tasmania, Australia, expanding the Big Punchbowl Reserve. It is an important piece of protected land in addition to the already existing Reserve, which is home to at least five threatened or endangered species. This includes a resident population of nationally endangered Tasmanian devils (Sarcophilus harrisii) and two magnificent white-bellied sea eagle (Haligeetus leucugaster) nests in its coastal bays. We are so grateful to all the generous project teams who have donated to the fund, making this contribution possible.
The newly protected property will also provide a key link to the Moulting Lagoon Ramsar site. Collectively, the area provides refuge and shelter for a multitude of shorebirds and waterfowl that use the wetlands, coast and waterways for breeding and feeding. The land is expertly managed by the Tasmanian Land Conservancy (TLC). You can learn more about the wonders of the Punchbowl Reserve here.
To fund land protection through the Habitat Exchange: Contact LBC.support@living-future.org
*All Living Building Challenge Project Teams must fund the protection of high-value intact ecosystem land equal to their Project Area, or 1 acre, whichever is greater (under Imperative 03, Habitat Exchange), to be eligible for Living Certification.