Regan from Minnesota put her passion for the natural world into action by becoming a member of the International Living Future Institute. In Minneapolis, she began a zero-waste community group that quickly grew to include over 100 members and local supporters. Recognizing the importance of radical group action in addressing the overwhelming issue of climate change, she decided to become a member of ILFI and join a greater community working together towards a regenerative future.

Luke became a member of ILFI in order to join a network of peers challenging the status quo and creating a positive impact as a result. Working at Humanscale, whose line of office furniture includes certified Living Products and red-list chemical free materials, Luke has learned that this community can achieve goals we would have never been able to on our own.

It's not Climate Change, it's Everything Change - ILFI campaign

An ILFI member and ambassador in Cairo, Amira has delivered ILFI education to seven Middle Eastern countries over this past year. As young children slid on desert rocks outside, she inspired a nomadic group to utilize the simplistic elegance of the Living Building Challenge to create their built community structure.

At the International Living Future Institute, we believe that we can change everything with the help of our community.

Over the past few months, we shared these and many other stories through our summer Membership Campaign. Our goal was to raise $20,000 and grow our member base to support the work and mission of the organization. We met this ambitious target. Yet, what really stood out in this campaign was the incredible stories of our members. Their work and dedication are passionately driving forward the transformation toward a Living Future and a better world for generations to come.

Our staff see this in each of our programmatic work: in the surge of solar energy, in the growing awareness of innovative water solutions throughout the country, and in the development of Living Buildings around the world.

ILFI membership testimonial

This membership campaign has ignited a spark in us at the Institute, and will power our work moving forward. It inspires us to look back at this campaign and stoke that flame, as we hope it will for you.

Becoming a member of the Living Future Institute:

  • Supports our Living Product + Declare label programs that push the marketplace towards healthier, chemical-free environments
  • Helps us create a world liberated from fossil fuel dependence through Living + Zero Energy Buildings
  • Enables important strides in research on water policy, affordable housing, and biophilic design

And the benefits are priceless:

  • Invitation into our network of sustainability ambassadors and access to join your local collaborative group
  • Ability to register your buildings or products for certification + collaborate with others
  • Discounts to the Institute’s events, conferences, and suite of online education

We look forward to changing everything with you.

We're bringing beauty back - ILFI campaign

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